Home GDP-Gross Domestic Product

GDP-Gross Domestic Product

Provisional Estimates of GVA at Basic Price by Economic Activity
Industry 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 % change over prev year
  (2ndRE (NS)) (1st RE) (PE) 2014-15 2015-16
Agriculture, forestry & fishing 1,588 1,584 1,604 -0.2 1.2
Mining & quarrying 267 296 318 10.8 7.4
Manufacturing 1,580 1,667 1,822 5.5 9.3
Electricity, gas, water supply & other utility services 201 217 231 8 6.6
Construction 818 855 888 4.4 3.9
Trade,hotels,transport,communication and services related to broadcasting  1,670 1,834 1,998 9.8 9
Financial, real estate  & professional services  1,844 2,039 2,249 10.6 10.3
Public Administration, defence and other services  1,116 1,235 1,317 10.7 6.6
GVA at Basic Price 9,084 9,727 10,427 7.1 7.2
By major sectors
Agriculture, forestry & fishing 1,588 1,584 1,604 -0.2 1.2
Industry 2,866 3,035 3,259 5.9 7.4
Services 4,630 5,108 5,564 10.3 8.9