Crude oil and condensate production from private and joint venture fields under the Production Sharing Contract (PSC) regime during September was 97.3% of the target, with output reaching 0.959 MMT as against the target of 0.985 MMT. However, the cumulative production of crude oil and condensate during the first six months of the current fiscal, that is, April 2013-September 2013, was 5.885 MMT which is 101.90% of the target of 5.815 MMT.
Crude oil production, during September, from the offshore fields was 204.726 TMT which is 91.79% of the monthly target. The remaining 754.708 TMT was produced from onshore blocks, which was 98.91% of the monthly target of 763.06 TMT. Cumulatively, the onshore fields achieved 100.98% of their target as compared to the offshore fields which were able to achieve 101.92% of their projected figure.
Out of the monthly production of 754.708 TMT from onshore blocks, the Rajasthan block RJ-ON-90/1 alone contributed 735.41 TMT as against its monthly target of 741.87 TMT.
On the other hand, bulk of the offshore production came from eastern India, which produced a total of 110.75 TMT while western offshore fields produced 79.63 TMT during September.