Detailed Tender Information | |
Tender Name | Improvement of Lal Bahadur Shasti Marg from Mahindra Park Junction to L-Ward boundary and from L-Ward boundary to Sion Station of Mumbai |
Issuer Name | Municipal Corpn. of Greater Mumbai |
Form Issue Date | 23-Sep-2017 |
Estimated Cost (Rs. Crore) | 170.06 |
Form Cost (Rs.) | 7000 |
Completion Period | 24 Months |
Contact | V D Kalyankar ( Dy. Chief Engineer ) – Roads |
Address | Municipal Corpn. of Greater Mumbai, Mumbai |
Location | Maharashtra |
Scope of Tender:
Bids were invited for improvement of Lal Bahadur Shasti Marg from Mahindra Park Junction to L-Ward boundary and from L-Ward boundary to Sion Station of Mumbai.