Home NEWS Index of Industrial Production grows by 5.7% in February 2024

Index of Industrial Production grows by 5.7% in February 2024


In February 2024, the Quick Estimates of the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) indicate a level of 147.2, based on the 2011-12 base year. Specifically, the Indices for the Mining, Manufacturing, and Electricity sectors are reported at 139.6, 144.5, and 187.1 respectively for the same month.

These initial estimates are subject to revision as per the revision policy of IIP, ensuring accuracy in subsequent releases.

Further categorization based on use reveals the following Indices for February 2024: 148.2 for Primary Goods, 106.2 for Capital Goods, 158.9 for Intermediate Goods, and 179.8 for Infrastructure/Construction Goods. Additionally, the Indices for Consumer Durables and Consumer Non-Durables are recorded at 121.6 and 148.9 respectively.

For a more detailed understanding of industrial trends, Statement IV provides a month-wise breakdown of indices over the past 12 months, categorized by industry groups and sectors according to the 2-digit level of the National Industrial Classification (NIC-2008).

The Indices for January 2024 have undergone their first revision, while those for November 2023 have reached their final revision, incorporating updated data from source agencies. These revisions have been conducted at weighted response rates of 93 percent, 95 percent, and 96 percent respectively.

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