Maharashtra Chief Minister, Prithviraj Chavan flagged off India’s first monorail in Mumbai today, four years after 108 meters test run in January 2010. Monorail project which has seen three Chief Ministers at Mantralaya was given go ahead by the Maharashtra cabinet in November 2007 and the first phase of the project, that is, from Chembur to Wadala (covering 8.26 km distance) was scheduled for commissioning in April 2011.
When fully complete, monorail will have a total length of 19.54 km connecting Jacob Circle and Wadala. The project is implemented by a consortium of L&T and Scomi Engineering Bhd. The consortium had bagged Rs 2,460 crore contract in November 2008. The then Maharashtra Chief Minister, Ashok Chavan had laid the foundation stone for the project in February 2009.