If the precedent set by PM Narendra Modi in selecting his cabinet is anything to go by, privileges enjoyed by our very senior citizens will henceforth be restricted only to railway berths and not cabinet berths. All MPs aged more than 75 are left out of the newly formed government. Some guests (like Ratan Tata and KP Singh of DLF) believed that this age bar was applicable to guests too and skipped the oath taking ceremony. Many old hands in BJP were reportedly running after ex-army chief V.K. Singh to find ways and means to bypass the age bar. But he too wasn’t of much help.
The new ministers have promised to mimic the Gujarat model in their respective ministries. Wherever the Gujarat model cannot be adopted (for whatever reasons) the PM has ensured that at least a ‘Gujarati Model’ will be followed; for example, Human Resources Development Ministry!
Talking about Education Ministry, there is criticism about the qualification of our new Education Minister who is reportedly an undergraduate. But BJP supporters argue what if the Third Front had come to power and they had chosen Rakhi Sawant as their Education Minister?
So, Sooner or later, some university may confer a Doctorate Degree on our Education Minister and she too can become a doctorate!