After being appointed head of BJP’s poll panel for next year’s general elections, Narendra Modi is trying to smoothen ruffled feathers of the old guard within the party. In the process Modi met his erstwhile mentor, L.K. Advani, and extended an olive branch. Modi reportedly offered the BJP patriarch, the ministry of youth affairs if the BJP comes to power in the next election  However, Advani, who is considered to be the ‘Loh Purush’ of the party, was more keen on taking up the steel ministry to keep up his image for which Modi didn’t have any problems. Also, rumour has it that Advani wants to try his luck at the top job in the 2019 polls, if not in next year’s elections!

Modi also got in touch with another BJP leader, Nitin Gadkari, and reportedly offered him the food ministry to suit his personality. However, Gadkari was keener on the major irrigation portfolio. However, Modi is having second thoughts on this counter-proposal as he felt that if he agreed to it, then he may face major irritation later on.

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