Monde De Provence, a residential group housing project , is targeted for completion in financial year 2018. The project is estimated to cost Rs. 668 crore and major portion of the project cost will be funded through customer advances. As on March 31, 2014, an amount of Rs. 70.32 crore has been incurred on the project mainly funded through the promoter’s contribution.

Monde De Provence is the first realty project of Krrish Realtynirman Private Limited (KRPL). KRPL is a part of the Delhi-based Krrish Group, which has major interests in liquor business. The present project is built on a land area measuring approximately 12.36 acres situated at Sector 2, Gwal Pahari, Gurgaon, Haryana and consists of 174 residential units with a saleable area of 10.64 lsf.

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