Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) is planning to lay a new crude oil pipeline from Dhamra port to its refinery in Assam. NRL is currently undertaking feasibility studies for the project work may start only in next fiscal. Completion of the pipeline project is expected to coincide with the commissioning of the proposed refinery expansion which is scheduled in 2017. NRL is planning to expand its refining capacity from the current level of 3 MMPTA to 9 MMPTA in order to attain economic scale of operations. The proposed crude oil pipeline route of approximately 1338 kms length will traverse through the states of Odisha, West Bengal and Assam.
NRL recently signed a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding with BPCL and Dhamra Port Company Limited for carrying out techno-commercial feasibility study for putting up 6 MMTPA Bulk Crude Oil Import facilities by NRL as well as 1 MMTPA Bulk LPG Import facilities by BPCL.