There seems to be no end to the problems faced by NTPC’s Barh-I and II projects. In case of Barh–I, contractual disputes with the Russian equipment suppliers delayed implementation of the project. As a result of this project had to be stalled for some time. Though contractual disputes have been resolved now, pace of work at the site has not picked up as the Russian suppliers are facing financial crunch. Whereas with Barh Stage-II, BHEL had faced problems with resolution of new technology issues as it is the first 660 MW super critical units being supplied and commissioned by BHEL.
If the problems at the execution level are not enough, West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (WBSEDCL) has sent a request to de-allocate power given to it from the Barh-I and II power units. Now, NTPC has an additional task at hand to find out new customer to lift the electricity turned down by WBSEDCL.