Coal moving along a conveyor belt.

On 22 November 2024, the Ministry of Coal formalised agreements for three coal blocks with successful bidders, marking a significant milestone in India’s commercial coal mining journey, initiated under Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. To date, 104 coal blocks have been successfully auctioned since the initiative’s inception. The three recently awarded blocks are fully explored.

Secretary of the Ministry of Coal, Shri Vikram Dev Dutt, alongside Additional Secretary and Nominated Authority Ms Rupinder Brar, presented the agreements to the bidders. Both officials assured the Ministry’s unwavering support for the seamless operationalisation of the blocks. Shri Dutt underscored the Ministry’s dedication to ensuring the successful execution of coal mining projects, emphasising their role in bolstering India’s energy security and economic development.

The coal blocks—Meenakshi and Rampia & Dip Side of Rampia—were awarded to Hindalco Industries Limited and Jhar Mineral Resources Private Limited, respectively. These blocks are expected to generate an annual revenue of ₹2,709.95 crore at a combined peak-rated capacity (PRC) of 27 MTPA. Additionally, operationalising these blocks will require a total investment of ₹4,050 crore and create employment opportunities for 36,504 individuals, directly and indirectly. With the signing of Coal Mine Development and Production Agreements (CMDPAs) for these blocks, the Ministry has now executed such agreements for 101 coal mines auctioned under commercial coal mining.

In the ongoing 10th round of coal block e-auctions, the second day saw the auction of two fully explored coal blocks with total geological reserves of 180.26 million tonnes and a PRC of 2.10 MTPA. Once operational, these two blocks will generate annual revenue of ₹339.06 crore, attract a capital investment of ₹315 crore, and create 2,839 employment opportunities.

The 10th round of auctions, launched on June 21, 2024, involves nine coal mines. The forward e-auctions commenced on November 21, 2024. On the first day, five mines were auctioned, comprising one fully explored and four partially explored mines. Together, these mines have geological reserves of 2,630.77 million tonnes and a cumulative PRC of 12.00 MTPA. Upon operationalisation, they are projected to generate annual revenue of ₹1,106.91 crore, excluding partially explored mines, with an investment of ₹1,800 crore and employment for 16,224 individuals.

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