Work on NHPC’s 160 MW Teesta Low Dam -IV project has come to a halt due to cash crunch with HCC, the civil contractor for the project. The commissioning for the project is also being pushed further due to the stoppage of works.
The project was scheduled for commissioning by May 2014. However, due to cash crunch with HCC, the civil works are completely at halt since March 20, 2013. This has affected the interfacing activities of electro-mechanical and hydro-mechanical works and is likely to delay the commissioning of the project.
According to NHPC, if the civil works are resumed from August 2013, the project is anticipated to be commissioned by November 2014. In a latest review meeting, NHPC informed the power ministry that to restart the work, the issue is to be resolved on priority for which the contractor is being pursued.
Teesta Low Dam-IV project is a run-of-the-river scheme in the downstream of Teesta bridge in Darjeeling district of West Bengal. The project consists of 4 units of 40 MW each and is expected to generate 720 million units of energy annually in a 90 per cent dependable year. The project was originally scheduled for commissioning by August 2011.

Please provide name and phone no of procurement officer HCC Limited Teesta Low Dam
HEP, Stage-IV
Mohan Kumar