Fluovers_EPC Projects_ProjectsMonitorIn a bid to ensure that the tendering process of projects sanctioned for implementation in the Engineering, Procurement and Construction mode does not encounter delays, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has taken a decision allowing state governments to issue Request for Proposal in case of works costing less than Rs. 100 crore under the single stage two cover system, as was followed for item rate contracts based on the Standard Bidding Document.

An office memorandum issued by the MoRTH on September 6th, 2013, said that the eligibility (qualifying) criteria prescribed would have to adhere to the Request for Qualification for EPC projects.

In the single stage two cover system, bids are invited under two covers. The eligibility of the bidders is first examined on the basis of details submitted under the first cover (technical bid). The financial bid under the second cover is opened only for those bidders who qualify based on evaluation after opening of the first cover.

The MoRTH has already declared the eligibility limit of 34 conditionally qualified applicants who had sought annual pre-qualification under RFAQ 2013 (umbrella RfQ) for national highway projects to be implemented in the EPC mode. A total of 17 applicants were considered non-responsive in the process. In case of 144 applicants, certain clarifications had been sought by September 10th, 2013. The results of these applicants are expected to be declared after the clarifications have been furnished.

Applications for annual pre-qualification under RFAQ 2013 were invited in May this year. The eligibility limit (as on July 5th, 2013) declared by the MoRTH would be valid till June 30th, 2014. Those found qualified/eligible can bid for projects having estimated project cost within their pre-qualified eligibility limit. Pre-qualified applicants are entitled to make simplified applications at the RFP stage of each project.

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