India’s Minister of State for Mines, Steel, Labour and Employment, Vishnu Deo Sai, has said that with the huge targets set by the steel industry and the scale that India has already achieved, it had become necessary to operationalise a national level institute dedicated for Indian steel industry.
Speaking at the launch function of India Steel Expo 2015, to be held in Mumbai from April 16-18, 2015, the minister said, “This institute should act as a nodal learning and knowledge dissemination point for enhancing skill development, technology enhancement, research and development, and other technical efficiencies for the Indian steel manufacturers. The proposed institute should have expert guidance from existing national level institutes such as IITs, IIMs and others. It should also be capable of guiding the domestic manufacturers on foreign collaborations.”
India Steel Expo is expected to provide a platform to the stakeholders, which would help usher a new era in the Indian steel industry’s growth path; not only in terms of production but also around technology deployment and supply chain management. It will showcase India as one of the most competitive producers of steel and one of the fastest growing steel markets.
“We have been talking about 300 million tpa target for production by 2025. Though there are many constituents in the ecosystem that doubt the achievement of the same, we, however, firmly believe that if we channelise our energies into the right direction, the target is very much achievable. For the achievement of such huge targets, it is necessary that all the stakeholders join hands and rise above internal conflicts to work as one unit and head strongly towards the goal,” the minister observed.
As per the National Steel Policy 2005, the total production of steel is projected at 110 million tonnes by year 2019-20. The New National Steel Policy is still in the draft stage.