The Hope International Hospital coming up at Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh will be ready by October 2014. The super specialty hospital project is being developed by Palaparthi Super Speciality Hospital Private Limited, a company promoted by Dr. Silas J. Charles and his wife Vasantha Charles.

The proposed super specialty hospital will have 300 beds capacity (74 beds in Intensive Care Unit and 226 beds in General ward). The hospital will have five floors (ground plus mezzanine plus four floors) and a cellar and stilt floor with a total built-up area of 326,449 square ft. The estimated cost of the project is about Rs.107.45 crore.

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  1. It is great to have a facility like that in Atchampeta. It would be really good if there is some awareness brought among the residents to not burn garbage in that area. The burning of garbage leads to poisoning of the environment which is definitely not good for the health of all the people and especially the kids and patients with breatjing diaorders residing in that area. Let us pledge to build a cleaner environment.

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