Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa has laid the foundation stone for the 660-MW Ennore thermal power station expansion project at Ennore in Tamil Nadu. The chief minister also handed over the work order for setting up the plant to Lanco Infratech Ltd.
In 2013, in order to augment the state-owned power generation capacity, Tangedco had decided to set up three new power projects to generate 3,300 MW of power. The corporation planned to set up coal fired plants comprising five units of Ennore TPS expansion project, Ennore SEZ thermal power project and Udangudi thermal power project at an estimated cost of Rs.20,000 crore. Of these five units, Ennore TPS expansion project would have a capacity of 660 MW, while Ennore SEZ thermal power project and Udangudi thermal power project would have two units of 660 MW each.
Tangedco secured all approvals including environmental clearance from the Ministry of Environment and Forests and Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board’s consent for establishing the project. The corporation has tied up with MMTC on a long-term basis for supply of 10 million tonnes of coal for these projects.
The Ennore TPS expansion project would be implemented within the premises of the existing station. The technical bids received for the ETPS expansion project were opened by the corporation on March 16, 2013.
The state government declared that total project cost of the ETPS expansion supercritical plant is estimated at Rs.4,956 crore.
Lanco Infratech Ltd has emerged as the successful bidder for the Rs.3,960-crore EPC contract. With this contract, the group’s order book now stands at Rs.27,005 crore. The letter of intent would be issued shortly by Tangedco.
Ennore TPS has a total installed capacity of 450 MW comprising 2×60 MW and 3×110 MW units. The coal for the power plant is received from Mahanadhi coalfields Ltd (Talchar & IB Valley), Odisha, and Eastern Coalfields Ltd, Ranikanj, West Bengal.
[…] Lanco wins supercritical contract in Tamil … – Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa has laid the foundation stone for the 660-MW Ennore thermal power station expansion project at Ennore in Tamil Nadu. […]