NHPC is planning to revise its budget estimates for 2013-14 to Rs 3,058.12 crore which was earlier pegged at Rs 3,449.59 crore. Stoppage of work since December 2011 at Subansiri Lower due to ongoing protest and delay in award of balance work of HRT of Parbati-II HEP are the main reasons for NHPC revising its budget estimates downwards by Rs 391.47 crore. Since various clearances in respect of Kotli Bhel, Dibang, Tawang-I&II and Teesta-IV could not be secured till date, NHPC has also decided to decrease outlay for new projects by Rs.113.77 crore to Rs 94.23 crore in the current fiscal.
NHPC has proposed the budget estimate of Rs. 3,224.26 crore for the year 2014-15. Out of this, Rs. 2,682.86 crore have been proposed for the on-going projects along with a provision of Rs. 302.96 crore for the new projects. NHPC has set aside Rs 167.59 crore towards balance works, payments, claims in respect of projects already commissioned like Dulhasti, Sewa-II, Chamera-III and Chutak HEP. Further Rs 42.81 crore and Rs 27.94 crore have been made under Survey and Investigation schemes and other new projects in the proposed budget for 2014-15.
NHPC is planning to fund Rs. 2,745.46 crore through Internal and Extra Budgetary Resources while the balance Rs 478.8 crore will be raised through subordinate debt from the government.