NHPC was able to achieve only 83.36% of the power generation target set by the company in its 2013-14 MoU with the government during the second quarter of the year.
NHPC was able to achieve power generation achievement target of 13,118 MW against the target of 15,736 MW as of September 2013. During the said quarter PAF (Plant Availability Factor) was clocked at 89.30% against the target of 87.20%.
NHPC has also failed to meet Capex target set for the 2nd Quarter (July to September 2013). While the target second quarter was set at 751.32 crore, NHPC could spend only Rs.656.35 crore, thus falling short by 12.6%. NHPC has attributed several reasons for shortfall like non-settlement of civil works expenditure, non-receipt of government. land/forest land lease from State Government and delay in completion of testing works by the contractor.
On the positive side, NHPC has found some success in its efforts to diversify into thermal power generation. NHPC has signed an MoU with CSHPCL and IFFCO on September 29, 2013 to implement 1,320 (2×660) MW Salka thermal power project in Chhattisgarh. The project now awaits PIB/CCEA clearance. In case of 1,320 (2×660) MW Pirpainti project in Bhagalpur district of Bihar, NHPC is working on obtaining allocation letter of the Deocha-Pachami Coal block in the name of Pirpainti Bijali Power Company Pvt. Ltd. The coal block has, however, already been allotted in the name of BSPGCL. The project is a JV between NHPC and Bihar State Power Generation Co. Ltd.