Under North East Special Infrastructure Development Scheme (NESIDS), the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region has sanctioned a total of 145 projects worth Rs 3,392.99 crore for the North Eastern Region to fill gaps in certain sectors, since its inception in 2017-18. The State-wise details of the projects are listed below.
The Ministry has taken a number of initiatives to ensure completion of the ongoing projects. Release of funds for the projects is linked to physical and financial progress of the work. Ministry releases funds under its schemes through Public Finance Management System (PFMS) to ensure timely release.
Further, State Governments of NER have also been instructed to implement Expenditure-Advance-Transfer (EAT) modules of PFMS for tracking of funds released under the schemes. In addition, Ministry conducts regular review meetings with State Governments at senior level and undertakes field visits for monitoring the progress. Ministry has designated Nodal Officers and Chief Nodal Officers for each NER State for better coordination with State Governments and to facilitate execution and follow up of the projects in different states in the region.