Hydro electric power sector in Arunachal Pradesh is dominated by private sector players like Jindal Power, Reliance Energy, Jaiprakash Associates and KSK Energy. Private sector players are presently executing projects with an installed capacity of 35,031.5 MW. As many as 102 HEP projects in the state are being implemented by the private players. 12 projects which were earlier allocated to public sector companies like NHPC, NTPC and NEEPCO, now have been re-allocated to private sector players.
Arunachal Pradesh has the highest potential of around 50,000 MW for hydropower generation in India. However, most of these projects are running behind their schedule. Lack of infrastructure in the state is the main impediment for execution of the projects. In addition to this, environment and forest clearances and the land acquisition process takes significant time.
Projects earlier allotted to PSUs now re-allotted to private players
Project |
Earlier PSU
Present developer
Siang Middle |
1000 MW
Reliance Energy
Siang Lower |
1600 MW
Jaiprakash Associates
Project capacity enhanced to 2700 MW
Subansiri Upper |
2000 MW
KSK Energy
Subansiri Middle |
1600 MW
Jindal Power
Project capacity enhanced to 1800 MW
Kameng Dam |
600 MW
KSK Electricity
Etalin |
4000 MW
Jindal Power
Project capacity changed to 3097 MW
Attunli |
500 MW
Jindal Power
Project capacity enhanced to 680 MW