Re-imposition of CEPI (Comprehensive Environment Pollution Index) moratorium at five projects located in the Singrauli Coalfield is likely to result in loss of coal production to the tune of 8.375 million tonnes. It may be noted that Coal India Limited (CIL) has already suffered coal production loss of 3.62 million tonnes in 2013-14 from Krishnashila, Bina and Block B OCPs of Singrauli Coalfield due to the moratorium.
As the model code of conduct is in force, the Coal Ministry will have to wait, in all probability, till the new government is formed. The moratorium can only be lifted by the cabinet and this is unlikely to happen when the entire nation is in election mood. Even the new government, once it is formed, may not take up the issue on a priority basis and may look into it only after it settles in. So, huge production loss is staring at Coal India again.