The Indian government is rendering technical assistance to the states on repair and renovation of dams in India.
The Central Water Commission has said that while no dams were reported to be in a dilapidated state, some dams required repairs, renovations and general improvements to ensure their structural and operational safety. A few major dams like Hirkud in Odisha, Rihand in Uttar Pradesh and Konar in Jharkhand have developed cracks that need repairs.
According to the National Register of Large Dams, 2013 compiled by the Central Water Commission, out of 5,189 large dams in India 4,842 dams have been completed and 347 are under construction.
Dams are usually maintained by the dam owners which are mostly the state governments and any action for their maintenance, repair and renovation is taken by the states. However, the central government has constituted the National Committee on Dam Safety and Central Dam Safety Organisation within the Central Water Commission to provide technical advice on dam safety activities and suggest improvements.
In 2008, the government received proposals 13 states, namely Bihar, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Kerala and Tamil Nadu, for participation in the World Bank-aided Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project.
Subsequently, DRIP was finalised by the World Bank for implementation in Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Kerala and Tamil Nadu, and in the Central Water Commission. Under this project about 223 large dams are being rehabilitated at an estimated cost of Rs.2,100 crore. Out of the total project cost, 80 per cent is being funded by the World Bank and the balance by the respective states and the central government. DRIP came into effect from April 2012 and would be implemented over a period of six years.
So far, basic dam safety measures have been provided for 182 dams while 55 dams were taken up for rehabilitation and rectification works.