S.O. 757(E): Whereas it appears to the Government of India that it is necessary in public interest that for transportation of natural gas from Sohagpur (East) and Sohagpur (West) CBM blocks of Reliance Industries Ltd, situated in Shahdol district of Madhya Pradesh, to consumers in various parts of the country, Shahdol (Madhya Pradesh)-Jaysing Nagar-Beohari-Gurh-Phulpur (Uttar Pradesh) gas pipeline should be laid by Reliance Gas Pipelines Ltd.
And whereas, it appears to Government of India that for the purpose of laying such pipeline, it is necessary to acquire the Right of User in land under which the said pipeline is proposed to be laid. Therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), Government of India hereby declares its intention to acquire the Right of User therein.
Any person interested in the land described in the said Schedule may, within twenty-one days from the date on which the copies of this notification as published in the Gazette of India under sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the said Act, are made available to the general public, object in writing to the acquisition of the Right of User therein for laying the pipeline under the land to Ramesh Mishra, S.A.S., Joint Collector, Rewa and ex-officio Competent Authority, Shahdol-Phulpur Gas Pipeline project, near Landmark Hotel, Allahabad-Rewa Highway (NH-7), Rewa, Madhya Pradesh 486001.
[F. No.L-14014/21/2014-GP-II]
— S.P. Agarwal, Under Secretary, MoPNG, New Delhi, March 13, 2014