Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has stated that non-availability of adequate infrastructure including roads and bridges pose a major bottleneck in the investigations and construction of Hydro Projects in far-flung areas of Arunachal Pradesh. To discuss these issues, the Authority conducted a meeting with Road Transport & Highways ministry, power ministry and Border Roads Organization (BRO). In the meeting, CEA officials impressed upon the need for construction of the requisite roads and bridges in order to speed up investigations for timely submission of the detailed project reports and construction of the projects.
During the meeting, it was observed that in case of EPC projects, all road alignment is finalized after which land acquisition and forest clearance are taken up before sanction is accorded Road Transport & Highways ministry for preparation of DPR. In order to expedite the implementation, it was suggested that after road alignment is approved, Road Transport & Highways ministry may accord in-principle clearance so that the work relating to preparation of DPR could be taken up by BRO in a parallel manner.
It was further recommended that BRO can review the projected date of completion of various bridges including Deopani RCC bridge, Ipplipani bridge and other critical roads so that the implementation of hydro projects in these stretches is not delayed. It was stated that quick decision needs to be taken by Road Transport & Highways ministry with regards to the roads and bridges to be constructed either in EPC mode or through the BRO so that the work could be quickly mobilized.
During the meeting, it was mentioned that appropriate mechanism for quality management will be evolved by Road Transport & Highways ministry in case of construction of road and bridges by EPC contractors. Further, it was suggested that the project developers should take up the issue of requirement of roads and bridges for facilitating investigations of hydro projects in Subansiri basin with Road Transport & Highways ministry and BRO, through the State government.