The works to upgrade Jabalpur airport in Madhya Pradesh is being carried out by the Union Ministry of Civil Aviation at a cost of Rs 412 crore. The project is likely to be completed by the end of 2022.
The airport serves as the gateway to east Madhya Pradesh, especially Mahakaushal region, and will boost tourism to sites like Kanha National Park, Bandhavgarh National Park as well as the marble cliffs and waterfalls at Bhedaghat.
The tentative date for completion of the project is December 2022. The new terminal building is likely to be commissioned by March 2023.
The apron of the airport is expected to be completed within two months. Post which, it will be possible to park five aircraft at a time, up from two at the moment.
As part of the upgrading work, a new terminal building, ATC tower, technical block, category VII fire station, extension of runway and associated works to cater the operations of AB-320 type of aircraft etc are coming up.