Rashmi Cements’ plans to set up integrated steel project in West Bengal has received a minor setback with the Re-constituted Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) seeking additional information from the project promoters. EAC has asked more information about Detailed Resettlement and Rehabilitation Plan, land acquisition documents and action plan for rain water harvesting. Rashmi Cement has also been asked to submit a time bound action plan for five years towards Enterprise Social Commitment based on Public Hearing and occupational health and safety management plan along with budgetary provision.
Rashmi Cements, belonging to Rashmi group having interest in cement, sponge iron, pig iron, iron ore mining and exports and railway logistics is setting up an integrated steel plant with production capacity of 1.0 MTPA along with coal based power plant with installed capacity of 200 MW in Burdwan district of West Bengal. Rashmi Cements has already acquired 457 acres of land for the project and is in the process of acquiring remaining 58 acres of land.