ReGen Powertech has launched India’s largest wind turbine. Called wd2.8, it is a 2.8-mw gearless turbine. The turbine has been certified by TUV SUD of Germany. ReGen Powertech developed this direct-drive wind turbine through its wholly owned subsidiary Wind-direct GmbH, Germany.
The turbine is designed according to international standard IEC 61400-01:2005. This turbine platform has three variants wd3.0+100, wd2.8+109 and wd2.8+121 suitable for high, medium and low wind regimes. This turbine was tested ReGen Powertech’s testing station at Vagarai, Tamil Nadu. The type testing measurements were carried out on the prototype during the wind season of 2015 by Wind Test Grevenbroich, Germany according to international testing standards. The results were evaluated by TUV-SUD, Germany and the Type Certificate according to IEC 61400-22 was issued in February 2016, a release by ReGen Powertech said.
This turbine is equipped with variable speed synchronous permanent magnet generator which offers high conversion efficiency even at low wind speeds. Hence the turbine is highly suited for countries with low wind regimes like in India. This latest offering from ReGen has a generator with IP54 protection which ensures protection even in harsh environmental conditions found in desert regions and coastal areas, the release noted.
ReGen Powertech has already installed nearly 2000 mw in India and 45 mw in Sri Lanka being the largest player in that market. ReGen has been able to maintain its leadership position in the IPP segment, thanks to technology of wind turbines based on gearless permanent magnet generator.
ReGen started its commercial operations in 2008 has been pioneer in introducing technology suitable for low wind regime in the market and has introduced various new models of Wind Turbines. ReGen with its two facilities one at Tada, Andhra Pradesh and another at Udaipur, Rajasthan has a combined annual capacity to manufacture more than 1,000 mw worth of turbines.