R.K. Arora, Chairman and Managing Director, Supertech Ltd
Founded in 1988, Supertech Ltd has completed over 20 years in the real estate business. The company has converted more than 33 million sq. ft. area of residential and commercial entity into architectural landmarks and more than 36 projects that accommodates nearly 30,000 families. R.K. Arora spoke to Renu Rajaram about the sustainable construction scenario in India and how his company is scaling new heights in green construction.
What is the scenario of sustainable construction in infrastructure segment in India?
The concept of green building is becoming more relevant than ever before because of the increased consciousness for health, environmental impact, energy efficiency etc., especially in an environment where space for infrastructure development is becoming scarce day by day.
Tell us about the importance of green rating systems for the Indian real estate sector.
As human lives depend on real estate products for safety, security and comfort, it is essential to design, develop and maintain the same, conforming to the green rating norms in the present scenario. These products should be made environment friendly, conserving energy and producing less waste.
What have been the latest technological developments in sustainable construction?
The real estate industry has developed and experimented with various products helping energy conservation, air quality and environment-friendly construction materials using fly ash. The main thrust is to develop products that withstand load and earthquake impact without sacrificing on affordability.
One of the main concerns of many developers ‘going green’ is the increased cost of development.
More than the cost aspect, the main reason for ‘going green’ is to provide a healthy, safe and nature-friendly living.
The scenario is changing and we all are aware of the need for going green. Earlier people used to consider only rain harvesting and solar energy as measures of green buildings but now their knowledge and awareness is also increasing. This is evident from the kind of demands they make these days.
Can you briefly talk about your company’s efforts to take the green building movement forward?
Supertech Ltd has ventured into production of environment-friendly precast concrete slabs using environment-friendly raw materials. Use of precast products minimise air and water pollution which has so far been considered the bad side effects of real estate development.