Prof. Asuri Sridharan, with a distinguished career of over four decades at the Indian Institute of Science, contributed significantly in key areas of research, teaching, consultancy and administration. Prof. Sridharan earned his Ph.D. in 1968 from Purdue University in Indiana, USA, and D.Sc. in 1992 from Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. Presently, he is an INSA Honorary Scientist.
Prof. Sridharan is one of the most distinguished civil engineers of the country, specialising in the field of geotechnical engineering. He is a Fellow of the top three academies, namely Indian National Academy of Sciences, Indian National Science Academy and Indian National Academy of Engineering. His contribution to the fundamental understanding of the engineering behaviour of clays has been acknowledged internationally. He has pioneered work on geotechnical characterisation of coal ashes which has enhanced its utilisation in civil engineering practice. In addition, Prof. Sridharan also contributed significantly in the areas of reinforced soil structure and machine foundations.
Prof. Sridharan’s contribution to practical civil engineering problems, as a consultant, has been immense. He was involved in solving more than 250 projects, which has resulted in achieving rational and economical and safe solutions. His primary consultancy projects involve foundation investigations and designs for various agencies like Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam, ONGC, Defence, GTRE and ISRO as well as national highways, public works and irrigation departments. His engineering solutions for tilting foundations, canal embankments and slopes on swelling soils are particularly noteworthy. He has been technical member of several committees of central and state governments including a high-powered technical committee to scrutinise and approve irrigation projects in Karnataka.
Prof. Sridharan has been bestowed with a number of awards. To name few—Purdue University’s Distinguished Engineering Alumnus award in 1995; Indian Institute of Science’s Alumni award in 2002; etc.