—Sushil Gupta, Chairman, Richa Industries Ltd
To make India a global power, the government is encapsulating the sectors that have the potential to actually converting the concept into reality. The government focus on developing smart cities in India, be it infrastructure or buildings, is also opening up doors for pre engineered buildings. With infrastructure development taking place in all segments, PEB is getting its way into major sectors like power, railways, airport hangars, high-rise steel structures, commercial buildings etc. along with the usual warehouse and industrial sectors.
Role of PEB in Make in India: The introduction of ‘Make in India’ concept expediting infrastructure projects which is driving the growth of construction industry and consequently stimulating the demand for PEB industry. According to Joint Plan Committee data, India’s consumption of structural steel products is continuously increasing by 15 per cent year-on-year to 593,000 tonnes currently. The various advantages associated with PEB can prove to be major supporter in the success of ‘Make in India’.
The perfect choice: In today’s times, we look forward to solutions that accomplish four major requirements—timely completion; cost effectiveness; safety; and environment friendliness. PEB comprises of all these features along with several other advantages. PEB is high in strength, lighter in weight and are more efficient and flexible in comparison to traditional construction. These buildings are inherently ‘green’ buildings and contain high amount of recyclable content. Due to its enormous advantages, PEB is rapidly gaining popularity.
Technologically sound: We need technologies that are fast in delivering results. Although the concept of PEB in India is still in nascence, technological advancements are rapidly taking place. PEB structures are quick and efficient because these buildings are designed with the help of hi-tech software that has highest precision to meet the structural requirements of PEB systems. Moreover, these buildings are optimized and require less amount of steel which is ultimately saving the cost of construction.
Dealing with environmental change: Our changing environment conditions are also compelling us to adopt new improved technologies that are fast and match with the flow of ever changing conditions. One change is the occurrence of frequent earthquakes. It cannot be avoided but we can minimize its impact. Apparently, emergence of light-weight PEB, in place of heavy concrete buildings, is one such solution to downplay the impact of earthquake. Steel buildings are an ultimate solution to stand still against any natural calamity such as earthquakes.
Deteriorating environment conditions are leading to implementation of green practices in construction. PEB is environment-friendly as these buildings are manufactured completely in the factory under systematic and automated controls. Additionally, when opting for materials for sustainable design or green building project, steel is the best option as it contains high amount of recyclable and reusable properties. Another major trend can be witnessed with the use of light weight materials like autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) blocks for walling solutions in the construction of PEB. AAC blocks are eco-friendly, lightweight, cost-efficient viable replacement for the conventional red clay bricks or concrete blocks. Use of AAC blocks with steel structures is the most economical and environment-friendly solution to all type of buildings including residential, commercial, industrial buildings etc.
Multi-storey steel buildings: In the near future, availability of land will be another big challenge for everyone due to rapidly growing population in the country. The high-rise multi-storey steel building will play a major role to deal with this situation. In recent years, the multi-storey building segment has shown immense growth in industrial sectors. Residential sector is yet to see such a revolution. In multi-storey buildings, steel is used along with concrete as composite structures which are the most affordable structures today combined with all the advantages of PEB.
Conclusion: PEB has infinite benefits and the industry has immense scope in both government and non-government sectors. Gradually, from box like structures, PEB has come a long way by venturing into more complex structures. Though, the popularity of PEB is limited to a few sectors the future is promising. Major infrastructure projects like smart cities and campaigns like Make in India have set a huge platform for PEB to showcase its potential and earn goodwill and recognition.